Walking Montalbano June 2021

Walking Montalbano June 2021

Walking Montalbano June 2021

Excursions on the historical paths of Lamporecchio and Montalbano are back

Our guided walks come back this year too. They are organized by the Municipality of Lamporecchio and the tourist office San Baronto-Lamporecchio and they are an unmissable chance for tourists and local people to discover the hidden treasures in Lamporecchio and the Montalbano hill walking along the paths in our territory.

From Saturday June 12 we start with walks in the weekend and from July also during the week, with groups of maximum 25 people, with booking required for each participant and according to local legislation and applicable health recommendations regarding safety to help avoid the spread of Covid-19. All our guided visits are free and are in Italian and English with our qualified guide Michela Del Negro


Saturday June 12 after the visit of the Church of Santa Maria del Pruno in Orbignano, we start the loop walk from Fornello to Leporaia’s hill. During the walk it will be possible to observe the views on Sant’Amato and Valdarno’s side.

Sunday June 20th after a visit of the Church and its evocative Romanic crypt in San Baronto, our guide will lead you to discover some of the most amazing views of our hill.

Saturday June 26th the route starts from the gas station in via Leonardo Da Vinci and follows a path reaching the village of Porciano. You will admire the terracings in the area and in Porciano it will be possible to visit the Church of San Giorgio.


For the complete June itineraries with times and starting points please download the programme.

To take part in the guided walks it’s necessary to book:
Tourist Office San Baronto +39 0573766472
Qualified guide Michela Del Negro +39 347 8156922
Email: turismo@comune.lamporecchio.pt.it